Whiplash Treatments

Is your life being disrupted by a whiplash injury? Dr. Scott Sheridan and the team at Bonney Lake Chiropractic and Massage in Bonney Lake, WA, offer personalized treatment to help you achieve relief.

Guide to Treating Whiplash Through Chiropractic Care

Whiplash is a very common injury that mostly occurs during auto collisions. However, it may also be the result of a sports injury, fall, or other incident affecting the neck.

Your neck has a normal range of motion. As long as you keep it within that range or move it slowly, your neck can withstand your movements just fine. When you exceed that range of motion or speed, it causes injuries to the neck’s tissues.

Auto collisions cause the body and neck to sustain a great deal of force. When the body is stopped by the seatbelt, the neck continues to move quickly and beyond its normal range. Like a rubberband that is overextended, the neck’s tissues sustain tiny tears. The body goes into hyperdrive to heal it, but this leads to inflammation.

Additionally, the sudden force typically causes a misalignment, herniated discs, or pinched nerves. Together, these effects lead to symptoms such as:

  • Neck and shoulder pain and stiffness
  • Blurry vision
  • Irritability
  • Difficulty focusing or with memory
  • Dizziness
  • Fatigue
  • Headaches

Sometimes, these symptoms appear nearly immediately. In other cases, it may take several days. If not treated properly and comprehensively, some of the symptoms can last for years.

The Role of Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care is highly effective in relieving whiplash. It focuses on getting to the root of your pain and other symptoms and addressing it through a combination of natural techniques. Dr. Sheridan and the team at Bonney Lake Chiropractic and Massage of Bonney Lake, WA, are dedicated to determining and combining the most effective treatment methods for your needs.

In most cases, this begins with soft tissue techniques. Massage therapy and therapeutic stretches can help relieve tension, inflammation, and stiffness, which can make movement much more comfortable.

Adjustments are also used to restore proper alignment to the neck and back. However, these are typically performed after the patient can comfortably move their neck again. Spinal decompression may also be performed, especially if there are any disc issues or compressed nerves. Therapeutic exercises are also recommended to help further relieve stiffness and strengthen damaged tissues.

Find natural and lasting relief from whiplash by visiting Dr. Sheridan and the team at Bonney Lake Chiropractic and Massage in Bonney Lake, WA. Call (253) 862-6662 to schedule an appointment today.


Next to Les Schwab on 214th Street

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